INGRID W. BERVEN visual artist HOME

  • By the Way - galleri for samtidskunst
Overwiev galley by the way
  • VERK / WORK data

By the Way - galleri for samtidskunst

Ingrid Berven var initiativtaker og kurator sammen med Anette Kierulf. Galleriet besto av 5 vinduer med skiftende utstillinger av ulike samtidskunstnere. Omlag 95 ulike kunstnere eller kunstnergrupper ble vist. Galleriet ble drevet fra 1999 - 2007. Arne Magnar Rygg var involvert i driften siste året og utformet nettstedet:

By The Way - galleri for samtidskunst, Bergen, Norge.

By the Way - gallery for contemporary art

Ingrid Berven was initiating and curating the gallery in company with Anette Kierulf. The gallery was 5 windows with changing exhibitions by contemporary artist. Altogether about 95 artists and artist company presented their different works. The gallery was active from 1999 to 2007.

Arne Magnar Rygg was involved in the running of the gallery the last year and did the design of the website:.

By The Way - galleri for samtidskunst, Bergen, Norway.